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Alimony and Spousal Support

Dedicated Alimony And Spousal Support Lawyer In Los Angeles, California

At WHITMARSH FAMILY LAW, PC, our Los Angeles family law attorney knows when a couple enters the California divorce process, several issues require consideration, including those in the financial realm, like alimony, or spousal support.

Spousal support is a term that refers to payments made by one spouse to another in the wake of a divorce settlement. These payments are meant to help a former spouse maintain the standard of living to which they have grown accustomed during the marriage.

There are multiple reasons why one spouse would need additional financial support after a divorce. That may include the fact that he or she stepped away from their career to take care of their shared home and children, to help the other pursue a career that requires significant education or training, or to help the other build their business.

The reality is, all divorces that involve the potential for spousal support are unique. Whether it is to help bridge the gap for spouses at risk of having that standard of living compromised, or a petition for permanent financial support after a lengthy marriage, our skilled alimony law firm in Los Angeles County can help you understand your legal rights and options, so you can begin building your new life without financial difficulty.

How The Length Of The Marriage Impacts Spousal Support in California?

Although permanent alimony appears to indicate a permanent order, few spousal support awards remain permanently. Usually, this will depend on the length of the marriage.

For example, short-term marriages, or those lasting fewer than ten years, will typically not see support awards exceed half the length of the marriage. It is important to note, however, that the length of the marriage is measured from the date of marriage to the official date of separation — not necessarily the date of the divorce.

No matter which side of the courtroom you are on — the recipient seeking payment or the payer — our skilled Los Angeles spousal support lawyers can help you determine how the legal threshold applies to your unique case. Contact us today to learn more about your legal rights and options.

What Factors Are Considered For Spousal Support Awards in California?

Before the California family court issues an award for spousal support, particularly permanent alimony, there are several factors to consider.

They may include, but are not limited to:

  • The length of the marriage.
  • The age and overall wellness of both spouses.
  • The supported spouse’s marketable skills, as well as the job market, to accommodate those skills, which may include any necessary education or training to enhance and develop those skill ssets.
  • How much that spouse’s earning capacity was reduced because of time taken out of the job market to care for the children and home during the marriage.
  • How much the supported spouse contributed to the other’s educational degree or professional license during the marriage.
  • Each spouse’s needs, based on the standard of living they had during the marriage.
  • The supporting spouse’s ability to pay alimony.
  • The supported spouse’s ability to be gainfully employed without unduly interfering with the interests of children, based on the physical child custody
  • Any financial obligations, debts, or assets for both spouses, including separate property that did not factor into the divorce proceedings.
  • The tax consequences of spousal support.

Keep in mind, any other factors the judge believes should be considered, based on what is fair during the divorce proceedings, will be relevant to their decision on a spousal support award. Partnering with an experienced Los Angeles spousal support attorney will allow you to determine what type of alimony you are entitled to, and for how long. Contact us today to learn more about your legal rights and options, so you can move forward with confidence.

What are The Different Types of Spousal Support in California?

There are multiple types of spousal support that a court may award in the wake of a divorce. Each type of spousal support is dependent on the recipient’s need for financial support, and the other spouse’s ability to pay the award.

  • Temporary Spousal Support is a financial payment made by the higher-earning spouse to their former spouse during divorce proceedings to provide some financial support. However, this payment ends once the divorce is finalized, and a permanent spousal support award is in place.
  • Permanent Spousal Support, also called “long-term” spousal support, is a consistent support payment made by the payor spouse to their former, “supported” spouse. Unlike a temporary alimony award, this type of spousal support is awarded to assist the lesser-earning spouse with maintaining the marital standard of living, even after the divorce is finalized.
  • Lump-Sum Spousal Support is paid in a single, lump-sum amount instead of in monthly payments. The spouses must agree to this type of payment and amount for it to be in place.
  • Property Distribution, instead of cash payments as support. One spouse can decide to give full ownership of the property to the other instead of support

Contact Our Dedicated Spousal Support Attorney in Los Angeles, California

If you or someone you know is dealing with a divorce, including one where alimony or spousal support is an issue, it is important to enlist the assistance of a qualified Los Angeles Alimony attorney, who can evaluate your spousal support case according to existing state laws and recommend a course of action towards resolution.

For those residing in Southern California, including residents of the City of Los Angeles, the legal team of Los Angeles spousal support attorney at WHITMARSH FAMILY LAW, PC can provide the sound legal advice you need when dealing with divorce.

We specialize exclusively in managing a wide array of family law issues, including cases where spousal support is a significant factor. Our legal team of highly skilled Los Angeles spousal support attorneys is well-versed in the laws governing divorce and alimony in the state of California, and we are prepared to collaborate with you to devise a strategy that yields the best possible result.

Dealing with divorce is never easy, but it is possible to protect yourself and your future interests. To schedule a preliminary consultation to evaluate your spousal support claim, contact our Los Angeles alimony support lawyer WHITMARSH FAMILY LAW, PC at (310) 552-3505.

Frequently Asked Questions For Our Spousal Support Attorney In Los Angeles, California

The facts of your divorce case will dictate whether you are eligible for spousal support. If so, the facts of your case will also determine the type and amount of spousal support to which you are entitled. Common circumstances that define eligibility for alimony include the length of the marriage, employment status, current earnings, and health.

Temporary alimony stops when the divorce is final. Outside of that, there is no “standard rule” on how long spousal support will last in California. One of the factors when awarding long-term alimony is the goal that the recipient should be self-supporting within “a reasonable amount of time.” If divorcing spouses cannot determine timing on their own, a judge will decide for them.

Regardless of the date set for ending spousal support in the court order, alimony stops when the recipient remarries or either spouse is no longer living.

Unless a couple specifically agreed that alimony may not be modified, judges may change or end spousal support if a significant change of circumstances deems it appropriate.

Spousal support and child support are often ordered during the same divorce agreement. If child support is being paid from one spouse to the other, the amount of spousal support may be reduced based on the amount.

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