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Attentive Divorce Mediation

Attentive Divorce Mediation Lawyer in Van Nuys, CA

At WHITMARSH FAMILY LAW, our Van Nuys, California divorce mediation attorney knows that whether or not it was your decision to end the marriage, the process requires a fundamental legal approach to ensuring each detail of the dissolution is considered carefully.

Our Los Angeles County family law attorney provides extraordinary legal representation that allows our clients’ rights, financial future, and family relationships to prosper after the divorce is finalized. No matter which side of the divorce you are on, it is impossible to understand the overwhelming details that accompany the process if you have not experienced divorce before. That is where our accomplished Van Nuys divorce mediation attorney takes the lead, so no detail is left to chance, and your best interests are placed at the forefront of our efforts.

What Is Divorce Mediation And Will It Work For Me?

Divorce mediation is the process of hiring a trained third-party mediator who will walk the couple through the divorce details while placing the focus on the issues that need to be resolved in order for the agreement to be finalized. Mediation places power in the equitable hands of both spouses, so they can control the details of their dissolution, instead of allowing the judge to rule on the particulars for them.

There is a widely-believed misconception that divorcing couples who are going to end their marriages through mediation do not need an attorney. While our Van Nuys divorce mediation lawyer has witnessed many successful marriage dissolutions finalized outside of the courtroom, we strongly advise that each spouse has their own attorney present to ensure their rights are protected and that their compromises are limited when they need to be.

Mediation is not right for everyone, but it can be a less stressful and expensive alternative to litigation, especially if the couple has a prenuptial agreement in place.

What If Van Nuys Divorce Mediation Is Not Right For Me?

There are many variables that will help determine whether divorce mediation or litigation is the best process for you and your family in Van Nuys, California.

A major factor in which process may be best for you can include whether domestic violence played a role in your decision to divorce. If so, your safety is paramount in building the best case and outcome for your personal circumstances, and settling these matters through mediation can cause severe emotional stress.

Other factors can include whether or not you have children or a consistent income, which will stipulate the legal aspects of:

Your divorce is unique, and so are the circumstances surrounding your decision to end the marriage and the family dynamics moving forward. At WHITMARSH FAMILY LAW, our Van Nuys divorce mediation attorney will provide superior legal guidance that allows you to take the best route for your dissolution — whether it is mediation or litigation — with our experience by your side during every step of the process.

Do You Need Help Determining What Divorce Strategy Is Right For You?

If you have considered ending your marriage, and have questions regarding your future and the financial options that are available, contact our Van Nuys, California divorce mediation attorney at WHITMARSH FAMILY LAW today at (310) 552-3505 to schedule a free consultation. We will design a unique divorce strategy that fits your current and future life’s total needs.

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If you are considering a Divorce in Los Angeles, CA, Contact our experienced Attorney Today and Get a Free Consultation.

Give us a call 310-552-3505