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In Need of a Contested Divorce Lawyer in Los Angeles?

Skilled Contested Divorce Attorneys in Los Angeles, California

At WHITMARSH FAMILY LAW, PC, our Los Angeles family law attorney knows that each client we represent is unique. This means their personalities, family dynamics, relationships with their spouses, whether they have children, or the value of their combined assets, and what they want for their futures change how their California divorces unfold.

In some cases, the spouses can privately agree on how their divorces will unfold through negotiations with their attorneys. Others may need to negotiate the details during mediation. Many, however, cannot agree on any of the divorce’s details, making the proceedings a contested event from start to finish.

If this is true for you, you will need a Los Angeles County contested divorce attorney willing to fight for what is essential to your future. We can help, starting with a free initial consultation.

What are the Most Common Reasons California Divorces Are Contested?

A California divorce is considered contested if one or both parties dispute any aspect of the marriage’s dissolution.

Some of the most disputed aspects of a divorce include:

When these or other vital details cannot be decided on in private or through attorney negotiations, the divorce will move into the litigation stage, where a judge will decide them inside the courtroom.

If you believe, or already know before the proceedings begin, that your spouse will contest one or more areas of your divorce, contact our experienced Los Angeles contested divorce lawyers today for help. We can help you understand how California family laws align with your divorce goals, so you do not have to fear the unknown and can pursue the best outcome without being intimidated by your spouse.

Do Spouses Have to Attend Divorce Mediation Sessions in California?

Only divorce disputes involving property division or child custody must attend mediation. The spouses do not have to agree during mediation but must attempt to do so before a California family court judge will review their case.

Contact Our Contested Divorce Attorneys in Los Angeles, California Today

If you have questions about how a contested divorce in California will impact the proceedings and finalization timeline, contact our skilled family law attorneys in Los Angeles County at WHITMARSH FAMILY LAW, PC, by calling (310) 552-3505 to schedule a free consultation today. We can help provide solutions that produce results.

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If you are considering a Divorce in Los Angeles, CA, Contact our experienced Attorney Today and Get a Free Consultation.

Give us a call 310-552-3505