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West Los Angeles, CA

Family Lawyer in West Los Angeles, CA

The boundaries of West Los Angeles vary depending on who you ask. Some use the term to describe the whole Westside which encompasses Santa Monica and Venice and stretches east to Western Avenue. Others use this geographical term to describe the area which lies between the Santa Monica city limits to the west, Century City to the east, Wilshire Boulevard to the north and extending slightly beyond National Boulevard to the south.

The county is known as having amongst the highest percentage of widowed men and women in the entire county.

A Prenuptial Agreement and the Death of a Spouse

Most couples who enter into a prenuptial agreement are concerned with protecting their assets in the event that they enter into divorce. Many people do not consider entering a prenuptial agreement to protect their assets should they, or a spouse, pass away, particularly if the prenuptial agreement was prepared by a family law attorney.

Prenuptial Agreements Vs. Wills: Which Wins?

If the terms of your prenuptial agreement conflict with the terms of a spouse’s last will and testament, a probate court may choose to uphold your prenuptial agreement. This may not, however, be the case if the beneficiaries of the deceased can prove that the prenuptial agreement is:

  • Unfair
  • Created under duress
  • Encouraged divorce

Generally speaking, a well-written and legally sound prenuptial agreement is almost always favored by probate courts as long as the agreement appears to be fairly negotiated between the spouses.

Can Be Used to Distribute the Estate

A prenup may be used to distribute the estate of a spouse who dies “intestate” (meaning that they died without a will/estate plan or if that will/estate plan was later found to be invalid). If there was a prenup agreement made while the deceased person was alive, and if it deals with his or her property, the court may use the agreement to distribute property.

If you are in Los Angeles and considering a prenuptial agreement, you can speak to Michael Whitmarsh at WHITMARSH FAMILY LAW, PC about it today. Being experienced in family law and prenuptial agreements, we will answer all of your questions about prenuptial agreements and will prepare a legally robust prenuptial agreement for you.

We welcome your call today at (310) 552-3505.

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If you are considering a Divorce in Los Angeles, CA, Contact our experienced Attorney Today and Get a Free Consultation.

Give us a call 310-552-3505