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Santa Clarita, California

Skilled Family Law Attorneys in Santa Clarita, California

At WHITMARSH FAMILY LAW, PC, our family law attorney in Santa Clarita works tirelessly to produce optimal results for our California clients, because they deserve to move forward with their new lives with confidence.

Our Los Angeles County family law attorneys know that our clients must make a lot of difficult decisions during the divorce process, and we are here to help minimize their exposure to any challenges that come their way, so they can focus on their futures.

If you are considering divorce in California and have questions about what to expect from the process, we can help. Contact our experienced family law attorney in Santa Clarita today to schedule a free consultation.

WHITMARSH FAMILY LAW, PC Santa Clarita Attorney Practice Areas

At WHITMARSH FAMILY LAW, PC, we understand that working with a family law attorney in Santa Clarita means life has become challenging, and you need answers.

No matter which side of the courtroom you are on, family law involves complexities that affect your personal, public, and professional life until solutions are firmly in place. It is our goal to help get our clients to the finish line in the most effective way possible.

Our skilled family law attorney in Los Angeles has successfully represented clients in the following practice areas for nearly 15 years:

If you have questions about how your life will potentially unfold after a California divorce, our Santa Clarita, California family law lawyer, Michael L. Whitmarsh, will provide the legal representation you need to seek specific answers to your most important questions, creating solutions and results that help you move forward.

What is a Default Divorce in California?

A California default divorce occurs when one spouse receives a divorce decree without the consent or even the knowledge of the other spouse.

This happens when one spouse files for divorce, and the other spouse – the respondent – fails to respond, so the court renders a decision on the divorce.

When the filing spouse does not get a timely answer to the divorce petition, the process can move forward without the defendant’s participation. Simply put, if he or she receives the divorce papers but fails to respond within 30 days or evades the process server altogether to delay the proceedings, the judge can rule without his or her participation.

After a California divorce by default has begun, it is difficult for the defendant to reclaim his or her rights, and the divorce decision will be awarded according to the filer’s wishes.

Once the courts have finalized a default divorce in California, it cannot be reversed or annulled.

What is a Summary Dissolution Divorce in California?

For some couples, a California divorce is easier to obtain than others, and may occur during a summary dissolution.

A California divorce by summary dissolution is possible for couples who:

  • Have been married for five years or less.
  • Have no children together.
  • Do not own or owe very much via property, assets, or debts, and have no disagreements about how these details will be divided.
  • Do not want to pursue spousal or partner support from one or the other.

If you have questions about whether your divorce qualifies for a summary dissolution, contact our skilled family law attorney in Santa Clarita, California today to schedule a free case assessment.

Can I Pursue a Divorce in California Without Going to Court?

Yes. If both you and your spouse can agree on the applicable details of your divorce — including property division, child custody, child support, and spousal support — in private or during mediation, we may only need to appear in court to have the agreement finalized. Even then, your Santa Clarita family law attorney may handle the final appearance for you.

During a Standard California Divorce, is the Marital Property Split in Half?

In California, marital property is not automatically divided in equal halves.

According to California divorce laws, when a married couple gets divorced, their community property — including all shared property acquired during the marriage, assets, and debts — will be divided equitably. However, equitably does not always mean equally. When divorcing spouses can decide these details on their own, the court will divide their martial properly for them.

Contact WHITMARSH FAMILY LAW, PC Today to Schedule a Free Consultation

If you have questions about divorce, child custody, or financial matters — including spousal support or child support — contact our skilled family law attorneys in Los Angeles County at WHITMARSH FAMILY LAW, PC by calling (310) 552-3505 to schedule a free consultation today.

We can help provide solutions that produce results, so you can move forward with confidence.

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If you are considering a Divorce in Los Angeles, CA, Contact our experienced Attorney Today and Get a Free Consultation.

Give us a call 310-552-3505