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Beverly Hills

Family Lawyer in Beverly Hills, CA

The City of Beverly Hills is located in Los Angeles County, California, near the cities of West Hollywood and Los Angeles.

Famous for one of its primary ZIP codes – “90210” – Beverly Hills is a relatively small part of the Los Angeles Metro Area, measuring less than six square miles in size. As of 2013, the city’s population had grown to nearly 35,000 people, as the area continues to be one of the Los Angeles area’s most sought-after locales.

Like any community, those residing in the Beverly Hills area may experience any number of family law issues, such as divorce, which require the guidance of a qualified attorney.

Divorce Law in California

The decision to divorce is not one made easily. For many couples, it is an agonizing decision. For others, it may pose additional challenges, including those dealing with domestic abuse or highly contested cases.

In the state of California, there are three options for couples looking to end a marriage or domestic partnership. They are:

  • Legal separation
  • Divorce
  • Annulment

California is also known as a no-fault divorce state, which essentially means that neither spouse is required to prove or assume fault for the failure of the marriage when filing for separation or divorce. Couples are instead able to file for divorce and claim irreconcilable differences, or even incurable insanity. However, the latter will require sufficient evidence in order to win the favor of the court.

Divorce in California also does not require both spouses to agree to end the marriage in order to grant a divorce. It is not possible to stop the process by simply refusing to participate. In such cases, a default judgment may be issued in order to process the divorce and fully dissolve the marriage.

No two divorce cases are exactly alike, and the divorce process can grow increasingly complex in cases involving additional challenges, like arrangements for children or the division of assets and property. As a result, couples beginning the divorce process may need to consider any number of additional factors, including:

  • Alimony
  • Property division
  • Child support
  • Child custody

No matter what the circumstances are surrounding your divorce-related law matter, it is always best to seek the counsel of a qualified attorney, who can provide guidance specific to your situation and the laws governing your state.

Finding Legal Help You Can Trust

If you or someone you know is involved in divorce proceedings, or if you are entering the divorce process, it is critical that you find legal representation that you can trust. Only a qualified attorney can work with you to build a case that protects your rights under the law, as well as your interests well into the future.

In Los Angeles, the attorneys at WHITMARSH FAMILY LAW, PC specialize in a broad range of family law matters, including divorce. We understand that dealing with divorce is never easy, and will work with you to find solutions that meet the needs of you and your loved ones. Your future is important to us, and our highly skilled legal team will work with you to build a strong, convincing case that delivers the results you both need and deserve.

To schedule a preliminary consultation to discuss your case with a member of our family law team, contact WHITMARSH FAMILY LAW, PC at (310) 552-3505.

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If you are considering a Divorce in Los Angeles, CA, Contact our experienced Attorney Today and Get a Free Consultation.

Give us a call 310-552-3505