Family Lawyer in Pasadena, CA
Incorporated in 1886, Pasadena was the second city to be incorporated in what is currently the Los Angeles County area. Originally inhabited by members of the Hahamog-na tribe, early development in the area started in the mid- to late 19th century.
As of 2013 Pasadena was home to approximately 140,000 residents. Of those residents 22,285 were couples living together, accounting for 40.3% of all households in the city. Unfortunately a number of these households may eventually become divided homes as couples decide to separate or divorce.
California: A “No Fault” Divorce State
California was the first state in the country to adopt the “no-fault” divorce in 1969. In a no-fault divorce, the spouse who is asking for a divorce does not have the burden of proving that the other spouse did something wrong. California courts do not punish the party who has “done wrong” by awarding him or her with less property or less support pay.
The spouse who files for the divorce is known as the “Petitioner”, and the spouse who responds is the “Respondent”. While there is no legal advantage to file first, there are some circumstances when filing first can give a spouse a strategic advantage.
The Six Month “Waiting Period”
When a divorce is filed, there is a so-called six month “waiting period” before it will be finalized. This does not mean that the divorce will automatically be finalized at the six-month mark, however. The six months is the earliest a divorce may be finalized by the courts.
During those six months, both spouses may agree to withdraw their petition for divorce. But if one spouse wants the divorce and the other wants to remain married, the spouse who wants to remain married cannot stop the divorce from happening.
In some instances, a couple may opt for a “legal separation”. A legal separation does not terminate your marital status, but spouses will still go through many of the same processes as divorces, such as dividing all marital assets and debts.
Seeking Legal Assistance
Both a divorce and a legal separation require extensive paperwork and time dealing with the courts. Michael Whitmarsh from WHITMARSH FAMILY LAW, PC has years of experience in family law and have helped many spouses start the next chapter of their lives on the right foot.