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Online Legal Services To Create A Prenuptial Agreement

The Dangers of Using Online Legal Services To Create A Prenuptial Agreement

Online legal services have become very popular in the past decade, allowing everyone from business owners to newly engaged couples to develop seemingly legal-binding contracts that cut costs and allows the users to maintain control of the contents.

At WHITMARSH FAMILY LAW, PC, our Los Angeles, California prenuptial agreement attorney understands the potential for these documents to provide quick resources for marrying couples who simply want to outline their assets and debts to maintain some semblance of protection, should their marriage dissolve in the future.

Unfortunately, the potential drawbacks of online resources can lead to expensive legal bills and lengthy court battles when they are not overseen or compiled properly by a legal professional.

For those considering online prenuptial agreements before their marriage begins, our Los Angeles County family law attorney has some guidance that can help you avoid the potential hazards of trusting a boilerplate online legal template with your future financial safety.

Proper Prenuptial Agreements Require Unique Information That Online Resources Cannot Provide

Prenuptial agreements are extremely personal contracts that require a unique approach for each couple. While the debts, assets, and other inclusions like spousal support or retirement funds, may be easily outlined in an online legal document, the details are much more important and require a skilled attorney to design properly.

Online documents are a great conversation starting point, and when available for free, they can be downloaded to give you and your soon-to-be spouse some great talking points that will allow you to be prepared for an attorney’s thorough questions and paperwork requirements later.

Online legal forms are designed for the masses, not for you and your partner’s specific needs. Hiring an experienced Los Angeles, California prenuptial agreement attorney can deliver a detailed, personal, and legally-binding contract that allows you both to breath easy knowing your finances are protected — even if you never have to use the document.

If There Is A Flaw In Your Online Prenuptial Agreement, The Money You Saved May Not Be Worth The Legal Trouble Later

When online prenuptial agreements do not stand up in court, whether they are written with incomplete language, lacking details, or simply included items that were not allowed to be determined by a prenuptial agreement, like child support or child custody decisions, the money you saved by downloading and using the document may expose you to substantial legal fees when it comes time to enforce the agreement. Along with the stress, hassle, and uncertainty of litigation, the decision to handle the prenuptial agreement yourself now could be overwhelming later.

Your Online Prenuptial Agreement Could Be Creating A False Sense of Security For Both Parties

At WHITMARSH FAMILY LAW, PC, our divorce attorney in Los Angeles is well-versed in the complexities of personal contracts that a scanned document cannot offer. While our office will begin our process by outlining the prenuptial agreement in an organized form, there is almost always something special about your situation that requires the sophistication of an experienced lawyer.

When these areas of focus are overlooked using online prenuptial agreement legal forms, you and your partner could be creating a false sense of security that leads you both to believe you are protected, when you may not be. Speaking with an attorney will allow you to ensure that your prenuptial agreement is completed properly, filed accordingly, and legal-binding going forward.

What If The Online Legal Service Allows Us To Consult With A Real Attorney?

Many online services, including legal and tax professionals, have “real” online consultation specialists available to answer questions and review documents, which may lull you into feeling secure about creating your own prenuptial agreement.

But what happens when you need to speak with him or her again to double-check the details or ask a follow-up question? Will you get the same person the next time you click the “live help” button? Will the next “consultant” share the same advice? Or provide a conflicting direction?

Partnering with an attorney in the flesh allows you to create a relationship that produces a legally-binding contract that will protect both parties when agreed upon and signed. It also allows you to have complete access to the skilled legal representation you might need in court later — should it come to that.

Our experienced prenuptial agreement attorney’s job is to assess the details of your personal circumstances and make the applicable recommendations based on that specific and unique information before creating a contract that displays those wishes thoroughly. We work for you and are interested in assisting you with a legal need, not just selling you a service or product.

The Disclaimer or Terms of Online Prenuptial Agreements Do Not Claim Legal Responsibility For Their Services

Most services we purchase online requires us to check an “agree” box that features the terms of that service, and what they are and are not responsible for going forward. Since those terms are typically pages long, they are often skipped over without further consideration.

The same is true for online legal services and contracts, including prenuptial agreements.

Online legal service disclaimers often state:

    1. The site is not a law firm
    2. And is no substitution for legal advice or the services of an attorney
    3. Thereby cannot offer opinions or recommendations regarding the user’s legal rights, defenses, remedies, or options
    4. And finally, the site has no legal responsibility to you

If you would like to create a unique, complete, and legally-binding prenuptial agreement, our WHITMARSH FAMILY LAW, PC family law attorney in Los Angeles, California will outline your options in plain terms during a free consultation by calling (310) 552-3505. Do not leave your financial future to chance. Contact us today to ensure you and your partner are protected, without the worry.

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