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What are the Different Forms of Discovery During a California Family Law Case?

July 29, 2024, In Family Law

Our Los Angeles family lawyer at WHITMARSH FAMILY LAW, PC, knows there are seemingly countless details our clients never knew existed in California divorces. Even for those who have been married and divorced before, every nuance of this proceeding is unique to their family dynamics, each spouse’s personality, and what each person is willing to do to make the process seamless.

Our Los Angeles County divorce attorney also knows those essential factors mean something different for everyone. Sometimes, typically during contested or high-asset divorces, that requires a discovery phase.

Discovery refers to the legal process through which each party gathers information and evidence from the other party or third parties to prepare for trial or settlement. By allowing both parties to fully understand the facts, financial details, and other relevant aspects of the case, discovery aims to ensure transparency, prevent surprises, and promote a fair resolution.

Here, we discuss what the discovery process includes so our clients can make informed decisions about the direction of their unique divorce cases.

Understanding the Different Forms of Discovery in California Family Law Proceedings

The discovery process includes various tools and methods designed to collect and disclose pertinent information under oath.

That includes, but is not limited to:

  • Interrogatories

One party sends the other written questions to be answered under oath. These questions seek detailed information about various aspects of the case, such as finances, assets, debts, and other relevant issues.

  • Depositions

Depositions are oral questioning of a party or witness under oath conducted by a court reporter. They allow attorneys to gather testimony and evaluate the other party’s or witnesses’ credibility.

  • Requests for Production of Documents

Requests for the other party to produce specific documents or records relevant to the case, such as financial statements, tax returns, bank records, and communication records. These documents help build a clearer picture of the parties’ financial situations and other pertinent matters.

  • Requests for Admissions

Written statements that the other party must admit or deny under oath. These requests aim to establish specific facts as accurate, narrowing the issues that must be proven at trial.

  • Subpoenas

Legal documents that compel third parties to provide testimony or produce documents relevant to the case. Subpoenas are used to obtain information from individuals or entities not directly involved in the litigation but who possess relevant information.

  • Expert Witnesses

Testimony or reports from professionals with specialized knowledge relevant to the case, such as accountants, appraisers, or child psychologists. Expert witnesses provide analysis and opinions that can support a party’s position on complex issues.

  • Physical and Mental Examinations

Court-ordered evaluations of a party’s physical or mental condition when these aspects are in dispute. These examinations provide objective assessments that can influence custody, support, or other relevant decisions.

By utilizing these various forms of discovery, parties in a California family law case can gather the necessary information to build their case, ensure fairness, and work towards a resolution that reflects the actual circumstances and needs of those involved. We can help ensure the comprehensive and accurate collection and presentation of critical information, which gives our clients the advantage they need to succeed inside and outside the courtroom.

Contact Our Skilled Family Law Attorneys in Los Angeles Today

Contact our skilled family law attorneys in Los Angeles County at WHITMARSH FAMILY LAW, PC, by calling (310) 552-3505 to schedule a free consultation today.

We can help provide solutions that produce results.

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